An O-Blique Outlook (19th March)
Kinstretch On-Demand
Life is bleak without the obliques. A full and proper exhale is dependant on the obliques. Access to a neutral spinal position is dependant on the obliques. Pulling a pelvis out of strong anterior tilt is dependant on the obliques. Being able to maintain a strong stacked position requires strong obliques. So you could say their pretty important. This class will explore the role of the obliques in their entirety, help you better connect with them and build strength there. This is a proper core session!
A Mat.
A Light Band.
A Light Weight.
A Heavier Weight (optional).
Don't forget to tell us what you thought of class here!
Up Next in Kinstretch On-Demand
"Tricep-osaurus Rex" (23rd March)
The triceps are the upper body equivalent of the hamstrings. Just like how the hamstrings are important in controlling the pelvis, the triceps have a key function in controlling the scapula and how they sit on the rib cage. This in turn plays a key role in upper body movement ability (as well as ...
Flex Luther (26th March)
Hip Flexion is a fundemental joint action regardless of what sport or activity you like to do. Having access to more of this range and more strength within the range is going to make you better at whatever you like to do. This class is focused on giving you both of those things. 💪
Cha... -
IRon Man (30th March)
Hip Internal Rotation is a vital component for
healthy hips that are robust and function well. In
this session Matt is going guide you through a
session that expands range of motion, builds
capacity and then utilises that range in more
global patterns. Those hips are gonna feel like
butter ...