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"Tricep-osaurus Rex" (23rd March)

Kinstretch On-Demand • 50m

Up Next in Kinstretch On-Demand

  • Flex Luther (26th March)

    Hip Flexion is a fundemental joint action regardless of what sport or activity you like to do. Having access to more of this range and more strength within the range is going to make you better at whatever you like to do. This class is focused on giving you both of those things. 💪


  • IRon Man (30th March)

    Hip Internal Rotation is a vital component for
    healthy hips that are robust and function well. In
    this session Matt is going guide you through a
    session that expands range of motion, builds
    capacity and then utilises that range in more
    global patterns. Those hips are gonna feel like
    butter ...

  • "The Magic Glute" (2nd April)

    This is a fully body class focusing on facilitating a better posture and movement of the stuff above and below the glutes in order to maximise our ability to use them. Your glutes are not lazy, but your movement above and below might be preventing them from working as well as they should. Change ...