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IRon Man (30th March)

Kinstretch On-Demand • 45m

Up Next in Kinstretch On-Demand

  • "The Magic Glute" (2nd April)

    This is a fully body class focusing on facilitating a better posture and movement of the stuff above and below the glutes in order to maximise our ability to use them. Your glutes are not lazy, but your movement above and below might be preventing them from working as well as they should. Change ...

  • "That's just the calf of it" (6th April)

    In this class we work on improving out foot and ankle's ability to move and sense the environment (the ground) so that the calf and shin (tibialis anterior) muscles can do their job well and support the ankles and knees.
    Equipment needed:
    a book (big enough to put your whole foot on)

  • Six Pack It In (9th April)

    The six pack. Much sought after, often misunderstood and of late occasionally demonised. In this class we're going to learn how to properly intergrate this muscle with the other core muscles, some important points to look out for if it's become over-dominant and of course we're gonna build some c...