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Middle Please Umpire (1st June)

Kinstretch On-Demand • 59m

Up Next in Kinstretch On-Demand

  • Loose Hips Sink Ships (8th June)

    The title phrase originated on propaganda posters during World War II. It remiains a popular idom today, therefore I have no issue stretching (you're welcome) its meaning to suit our Body School agenda. This week's reset theme is control. Expect transitions from various base positions, finishing ...

  • Shoulder The Blame (11th June)

    This will be my first Kinstretch plus class and I am pumped for it. However, with great power comes great responsiblity. I will shoulder the blame for the all the DOMs that ensue. After a thorough warm up of all things shoulder (yes that includes scapulas), expect teacups, press ups, crawls and p...

  • RESET: Neck Fix & Chill

    Many of us have experienced neck pain/discomfort of some form or another in our lifetime. Some of us live with it chronically. What causes the neck pain can be multifactoral and at times complex. However, there are some things we can do to afford a bit of relief, which can often mean the world of...