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PLUS: Sling When You're Winning

Kinstretch On-Demand • 52m

Up Next in Kinstretch On-Demand

  • RESET: Pelvis Has Left The Building

    'A Little Less Conversation' and a little more
    action in this class. The aim being to reduce any
    'Shake, Rattle & Roll' you may be feeling in the
    pelvis and everything that attaches to it. We'll
    address some common issues and of course blend
    in some breathing and movement to leave you

  • PLUS: Intel Core Processor

    Intelligent core training is the theme for this class. Flexion, extension, lateral flexion, rotation and anti-rotation will all feature in a solid session that will light up your midline and leave you with some ideas around how to build a thorough approach to training the core.

    A Mat

  • RESET: Flexy Beast

    Restoring Shoulder Flexion has 3 parts to it. Firstly we need a dynamic rib cage that supports the shoulder blades fully. Secondly we need shoulder blades that glide comfortably across that rib cage. Finally we need shoulders that allow the arms to lift. We're going to address all 3 of those area...