A mobile and dynamic ribcage that allows the diaphragm to efficently and effectively pump should always be one of the first areas we look to address when establishing quality human movement. Without this we are always building upon shaky foundations. This class will give you all of the key concepts so you can really begin to refine your practice and deepen your understanding. This is one to save to your playlist and utilise time and again (it also compliments The Classroom chat on "Rib Cage and Diaphragm Basics").
A Mat
A Yoga Block
Some Wall Space
A Door Frame
A Small Towel (optional)
Pilates Ball (optional)
Original Recording - 7th September 2022
Up Next in Kinstretch On-Demand
PLUS: Dress To Im-Press (Up)
This class teaches you how to prepare and set up your body to perform the perfect press up. Expect shoulder and wrist prep work, explanations as to the importance of the positioning of the ribcage and pelvis, oh and a fair few press-ups.
A Mat
2 x Yoga Blocks
Some Wall Space
Some Ligh... -
RESET: Ground Force
The foot has 23 bones and 33 joints, that's a lot of movement potential. This class will help mobilise the foot and ankle, enable you to better sense the ground and set up the foundations from which you can produce more power and control into every movement you do.
A Mat
2 x Yoga Bloc... -
PLUS: So Kneedy
If you've been on the membership for a while you'll already know solving knee issues is often more to do with addressing movement at the ribs, pelvis and feet. However that doesn't mean we can't relieve some symptoms by building strength and mobility in the knee joint. This class will do just tha...
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