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RESET: To Pelvis & Back

Kinstretch On-Demand • 52m

Up Next in Kinstretch On-Demand

  • PLUS: i, Rowbot

    There's no boats or artificial intelliegence involved in this class but there will be lots of reaching and pulling. Performing any type of row well involves a lot more than just our arms. In this class we'll look at the machanics behind a couple of different types of rowing actions, how we can im...

  • RESET: Running Up That Chill (23rd No...

    A good old leg session doesn't have to be awful but it
    certainly can be if the positions we find ourselves stuck
    in don't allow our muscles to evenly share the load. In
    this class we'll take a quick look at the different roles of
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  • PLUS: Quad Awful (26th November)

    A good old leg session doesn't have to be awful but it
    certainly can be if the positions we find ourselves stuck
    in don't allow our muscles to evenly share the load. In
    this class we'll take a quick look at the different roles of
    each of the quad muscles, how they work with their