PLUS: Plank You Very Much (3rd December)
Kinstretch On-Demand
Even though the planking challenge eneded over 15 years ago we're still encouraging people to get involved as often as possible. When performed well, the plank and its infinite variations will help to solidify many of the positions we're trying to achieve with for better posture and less pain. In this class we're going build the plank from it's foundation up, layering up complexity with plenty of regressions for all ability levels.
A Mat
A Yoga Block
A Small Weight (optional)
A Door Frame or Pillar
Some Wall Space
Original Recording - 3rd December 2022
Up Next in Kinstretch On-Demand
RESET: Tune Up-per Body (7th December)
In this class Lenny guides you through some techniques to help you reposition the upper torso to a more neutral position. He then guides you through a few exercises that will you keep that more neutral position. Simple exercises that can be utilised in the gym or at home that are great for buildi...
PLUS: All Quiet On The Western Fronta...
Frontal plane mechanics put simply is our ability to shift from side to side. If we lose our ability to sense and utilise the muscles that help us do this we are going to run in to some problems at some point. This class will help you understand what those muscles are, which positions can improve...
PLUS: A Body of Work 2.0 (19th December)
This is a full body class. The aim? To select some exercises that almost everybody will benefit from and put them together into a session to help support better posture, better movement and still leave you feeling like you've had a good workout.
A Mat
2 x Yoga Blocks
Some Wall Space