Intro & Warm Up
Restorative Strength
‘Run Clubs’ are all the rage at the moment (well certainly here in London at least). Outside of the social benefits they offer, running provides a wealth of potential health benefits. However, for many who have suffered with chronic pain or movement issues, running can feel scary and like an injury waiting to happen. However it doesn't have to be this way and like strength training, we just have to find an entry point and build from there. So for the next 4 weeks we’re going to utilise our Restorative Strength classes to build confidence in our mechanics as well as strength and stamina when walking, jogging or running.
This is suitable for complete beginners, no need for any prior experience. The format of each class will be a 15 minute warm up which can be done inside or outside (so long as you can connect to the platform) and then 20-30 minutes of a guided walk/run programme. We’ll incorporate PRI principles into our drills and look to build our technique and stamina over the next month. So if running is something you’ve always wanted to try, whether that with the eventual aim of completing a specific distance such as 5km or because you’d like to build an exercise practice that can be done outside, this next phase will be perfect for you.
In this first video Lenny introduces our new focus and then takes you through a 15 minutes warm up. This is suitable for complete beginners and is scalable to suit your current level. The warm up is designed so it can be done outside or at home, so no equipment is necessary. Everything else is explained in the first 3 minutes of this video.
Warm up begins at 3:33
Original Recording - Tuesday 9th July 2024
Up Next in Restorative Strength
Week 1 - Guided Run
Once you've completed the warm up, you have two options for listening to the guided run. You can either play the video here or if you'd prefer you can listen to it on Soundcloud via the link below:
Original recording - Tuesday 9th...
Week 2 - Guided Run
Week 2 of Run Club will build on the walk run efforts we started with last week. We continue to develop our key reference points whilst we're out there and look to increase our time actually running. We'll put a bit more focus on how we might want to structuring our breathing, whilst increasing o...
Week 3 - Guided Run
In week 3 of Run Club we continue to build on the total time of continuous running and this see’s us tip into more running than walking. We also build on our reference points whilst we’re running and perhaps even look to tweak our breathing strategy.
Original Recording - Tuesday 23rd July 2024