"Practice what you reach" (8th January)
Kinstretch On-Demand
In this class we work on the elements required for good reaching mechanics such as back rib expansion (through breathwork), scapula protraction and shoulder external rotation. We tie it all together with some reaching exercises that help improve general movement capacity as well as build strength.
Yoga block
Elevate surface
Light weight (~1kg; bottle of water is fine)
Long band or bath towel
Tell us what you thought of class here!
Up Next in Kinstretch On-Demand
"Hip the Reset Button" (12th January)
This class does what it says on the tin; it hits the reset button on your hips. We use a combination of breathwork and capacity work to help us "find" some of the stuff that commonly gets lost when we get patterned to our sedentary and/or physically monotonous lives (most of our physical movement...
"Key to the Core" (15th January)
Wanna a strong core? This one is for you. A few breathing techniques and bit of movement to get those spines and rib cages going and then we're gonna get after it. In this session we'll be training all possible motions the core is able to achieve which include flexion, extension, lateral flexion...
"Ankle of Attack" (19th January)
We've all rolled or twisited our ankle before, it's never much fun. Wouldn't it be great to have a bit more control and capacity in those ranges where things can go wrong? That's what this class is for. Let's build some strong and sexy ankles.
Wall Space
Yoga Blocks
Hardback Book or s...