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PLUS: IRresistible

Kinstretch On-Demand • 57m

Up Next in Kinstretch On-Demand

  • RESET: Two Halves of a Whole

    Lower body and upper body combine in this week's full body Reset Class. Deep breaths in varying base positions will have you over the Wednesday hump and limbering up for the rest of the week.

    A Mat
    A Yoga Block
    2 x Rolled Socks/Tennis Balls or Similar

    Original Recording - 17th August...

  • PLUS: Baby Got Back

    Atheletic prowess is rooted in our ability to open and close the hips quickly and powerfully. The glutes and proximal hamstrings (back of the upper leg) are fundemental for this to happen efficently and effectively. This class is going to explore finding a more neutral position at the pelvis so t...

  • PLUS: Sas-squat-ch

    For many of us a deep and comfortable squat position can be as elusive as the mythical sassquatch creature. The aim of this class is to demystify some of the important points limiting our squat position and then of course build some capcity there. So by the time we're done you're squat will be fu...